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CM Accreditation is nearly here!

We are currently only a week away from our Accreditation being available! We’ve had an overwhelming number of enquiries and enthusiastic users, and we’re loving that feedback, please keep it coming!
We’ve also had quite a few questions, which is understandable, so here are the most common questions we’ve gotten, and their answers:

What are the benefits of taking the exam?

Mainly? It will look great on your CV. Not only that, once you pass the test, you can add it to your LinkedIn profile as an accomplishment with a unique certification number to show your CM prowess.
We know from the number of organisations approaching us looking for people skilled in CM how valuable this is.
From an organisation perspective, it’s a really good way to know if you’re recruiting people with the right skills for the job.
Alternatively, if you’re a Team Leader, you can keep track of users already in your team, to see who is a CM hotshot, and who could use a little more training.
We’ve also had many consultants contact us regarding a standardised way to give their clients peace of mind when hiring them for their Project.

How many questions are on the Accreditation test?

We’ve worked hard to come up with a large selection of questions which we believe to be challenging enough to be worth your time and effort, whilst still making the pass mark achievable. The full accreditation test will consist of 80 questions which will be ordered randomly. So no, unfortunately, you can’t do it alongside your co-worker and get the same questions!
How many questions do I need to get right to pass?
We’ve put the pass mark at 85% – so 68 correct answers out of 80. You’ve got this.

What happens if I fail?

On the off chance that you don’t get as many correct questions as you need, you can re-sit the test 2 weeks later for half price. You do only get one more chance to rock the exam at that price though.

What is covered in the exam and what can I can study before taking the exam?

Surprise pop quizzes are the stuff of nightmares, and we don’t want that! All questions from the test have been devised directly from our comprehensive User Guide.
As to what is covered we’ve made a practise quiz available with 20 questions. Have a look on our Accreditation page for the link to the quiz. This will let you know what to expect when taking the actual test, as well as give an indication on how much you may need to brush up on before tackling the real deal.

How long will the exam be available for?

We’ll be making the exam available for 24 hours. You can do the exam at any time within that period. We’ll send out an email with a link to the exam the morning of the exam just in time for your morning coffee!

How long is the Accreditation valid for?

CM’s user accreditation is valid for 2 years. Technology is constantly evolving, and we’re always aiming to improve CM where we can, but we also want you to get bang for your buck.

Whether you’re a super user of the system, or someone who only logs in occasionally, we’re confident you’ll be able to nail this exam, and have that certification in no time.


Need a hand with using your Consultation Manager system? Help is always available via our support portal 

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